法国雷恩第一大学 Olivier Le Meur 副教授做客行健讲坛

创建时间:  2016年04月05日 00:00  周晓飞   浏览次数:   

     3月31号上午10:00在延长校区行健楼1101会议室,法国雷恩第一大学 Olivier Le Meur 副教授给通信学院的师生做了名为 " 面向视觉关注预测优化的眼动扫视模型" 的行健讲坛报告。通信学院刘志、安平、沈礼权、马然老师和部分研究生参加了这次讲座。
In this presentation, we present saccadic models which are an alternative way to predict where observers look at. Compared to saliency models, saccadic models generate plausible visual scanpaths from which saliency maps can be computed. In addition these models have the advantage of being adaptable to different viewing conditions, viewing tasks and types of visual scene. We demonstrate that saccadic models perform better than existing saliency models for predicting where an observer looks at in free-viewing condition.

Olivier Le Meur received the Ph.D. degree from University of Nantes, Nantes, France, in 2005. He was with the Media and Broadcasting Industry from 1999 to 2009. In 2003, he joined the Research Center of Thomson-Technicolor, Rennes, France, where he supervised a Research Project concerning the modeling of human visual attention. He has been an Associate Professor of image processing with the University of Rennes 1 since 2009. He currently works at the SIROCCO Team of IRISA/INRIA-Rennes, and his current research interests include human visual attention, computational modeling of visual attention, and saliency-based applications, such as video compression, objective assessment of video quality, and retargeting.



下一条:法国雷恩第一大学 Olivier Le Meur 副教授来访图像与视频处理实验室(IVP)

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