Welcome to the IVP (Image Video Processing) Lab, which is affiliated with the School of Communication and Information Engineering at Shanghai University. Professor Zhi LIU is in charge of the IVP Lab, and currently there are 6 doctoral students and 8 master students in the IVP Lab. We are consistently committed to the research in the field of image/video processing, and have achieved a series of research results including more than 170 refereed technical papers published in international journals and conferences. We have undertaken more than 10 research projects granted by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), Ministry of Education of China, Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality, Shanghai Municipal Education Commission and Huawei Company, etc. Currently we perform research on saliency models (for images/videos, image/video sets, stereoscopic/multiview/RGBD images/videos, webpages, etc.) and the related multimedia applications, image/video segmentation, object detection/segmentation/tracking, video coding, image/video retargeting, human-computer interactions and multimedia communication.

news Paper, Code and Dataset.

news The IVP Lab recruits both doctoral students and master students every year, and also accommodates undergraduates to participate in the research projects. If you are interested to join the IVP Lab, please contact us .

news Special Issue on Recent Advances in Saliency Models, Applications and Evaluations has been published.


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